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A pale straw colour forged between the granite soils of Darling hills and the cool Atlantic sea breeze. With an aroma of Green Fig and Pineapple, the palate is fruity with a zest acidity. Enjoy with seafood or roasted chicken, lemon, green olives and capers.

ALC: 13% RS: 1.5g/l PH: 3.30 TA: 6.38g/l

The price displayed is inclusive of tax.


Responsible farming

We pride ourselves on taking care of mother earth and protecting the soils through sustainable agricultural practices. Contreberg is home to a private nature reserve, preserving the fragile fynbos landscapes. A highly endangered orchid was rediscovered on the property by Dr Anton Pauw in 2004. Pterygodium Cruciform is only found on Contreberg and at two other lowland locations. Referred to by some as the "Darling Ivory", this particular orchid is pollinated by a special Renosterveld oil-collecting bee since it secretes oil instead of nectar.


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